Disney Fairies
When Jakks Pacific was making the pitch to Disney for the rights to manufacture the Fairies line of toys, they called on us. We provided all concepts for the pitch, starting with pencils and moving onto final renders. The pitch went so well that they ended up with the contract. The client was especially impressed with the way we incorporated the design into the package hang tabs.
This is a great example of concepting. We were able to design not only the dolls, but integrated packaging as well. The client loved how the fairy theme was carried throughout the entire design. And the designs and marketing materials we created helped land a substantial contract. If you are able to locate the final product on store shelves, you will see that many of our original concepts were retained.
We love the creative freedom that we get when doing concept work. It’s fun to explore different avenues and see what can be done. Some may speak of thinking outside the box, but in the case of the Disney Fairy concept, it was about what was in the box and the very box itself. We may go through many designs before we find the one that screams, “This is it!”, but when we do, it’s a great feeling indeed. And that great feeling carries over to the client, the sales team and everyone involved.
Do you have a sales presentation you really need to shine? Call Modul8tion and let us help you create a stunning proposal. We are here to assist you with concepting, marketing materials and even mock ups. We want you to succeed and will do whatever it takes to help you on your way.